Friday, 27 December 2013

Monday, 2 December 2013

Alien Creature prison concept art

High security prison – purpose built for ‘special’ inmates.

Naturally something sinister is going on behind the scenes. Possibly an undetected plot by some of the inmates to evoke some ancient mythical demon. Or something more sophisticated. Maybe the prison has a terrible secret?

The following is my ideas and research in to developing concept art for the above brief.

First off i looked at art that i aspire to make and tried to break down why it is so good. I watched a painting tutorial by the concept artist on "the last of us" videogame - Shaddy Shadafi and he said that he always has art on around him or on a separate window so when he is painting he can aim to create something that is equally as good, After all that is how the masters learn't so i collected the latest art from Atomhawk design and analysed it..
After looking at the Atomhawk art I think i need to learn 3D software and spend longer on my art to get it to the standard i'm aiming for.

Next up i got my sketchbook out as i haven't sketched traditionally in ages! I think the ideas flow more easliy when i have a pencil and let my imagination run wild, here are some initial sketches...
Environments are part of concept art and in the brief it calls for cells, chapel, eating area, prison etc to be concepted so i do a few designs starting with the alien cells..

Next up i do some alien prisoners designs with colour comps..

 Then i take a class by the artist Charlie Bowater who is a concept artist at Atomhawk design, here are the ideation designs..

As it is set on an alien planet the human will need transport for the prisoners and for aerial battles! Here are some pencil sketches...
The brief says there will be an executioner so i designed this creature but i think i could do some more designs and beef him up a bit more or maybe do a female version, and some weapon designs!

One of the critiscms of my work is that it lacks depth especially with environments so i have gone back to basics and started off with perspective lines, here are some roughs...

Next up are some quick environment designs..

After watching the movies on the list such as Lockout and The Silence of the lambs i decided to look at what the latest sci fi movies with creatures in looks like. As there are trends and with sci - fi what looked futuristic 5 years ago can look dated now. Here is one film i looked at...
I read a weapon design tutorial by concept artist Brian Sum in the last issue of Imagine FX and he informed me that a concept artist should draw the weapon/prop from different angles so the modeller can understand it , here are some of my designs..

And further along the process..

I have also joined the daily spitpaint - speedpainting facebook group as a lot of my idols post artwork on this site and i think i do learn more by looking at their work. Seen as the time limit is only 30 minutes you really only get to to lay down a simple composition and play around with brushstrokes and lighting, Mark Molnar, Sparth and Vyle post some inspiring amazing art! Below is one i did that matches the sci - fi theme..

I subscribed to Imagine FX awhile ago and last issue was all about game art , this inspired and informed me about the concept art pipeline and the high standards...

I started 3 final pieces but have not finished them as i am working on different areas of the project from characters to vehicles to environments, i started these in black and white as i think it easy to see the values. I will add detail to these and then colour...

I have bought so many art books over the last few years and rarely read them but i am making more of an effort to as the knowledge and techniques that other more experienced artists use is beneficial. I am currently reading the following to develop my skills ..

The films that inspired a generation and still going strong, here i researched creatures from the prequels, will be doing some sketches and currently reading Animals re imagined by Terryl Whitlach who was the lead creature concept artist for Star wars prequels.

Below are two paintings in progress that depict a space battle above the prison as the alien invaders chase the human and a vehicle design on the alien planet...

I am watching the cgmw tutorials, Feng Zhu tutorials and Scott Robertson youtube channel to improve my concept art and take it to the next level..
Below i have done two designs for the prison guard , one with a helmet and one without. I did this as part of the Charlie Bowater character design class. I think that she achieves a polished technically strong characters and this is what i have tried to do with this design.
I need to develop some of the ideas and improve others such as environments, creatures and weapons.

 Thanks for taking the time to read this post and I will post again soon! :-)